Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Mutants do they exist ????

I had this obsession about mutants and whether its just a work of imagination or it does really exist in some kind of form. To be honest I believe that mutants exist or at least they used to exist at sometime on earth.

And that’s where I think all the myths got build upon. (like the Greek gods) where I believe that they were just people who had some sort of mutant abilities which appeared unnatural of which the people have assumed that they were some sort of gods or son of gods.

I believe as well that prophets where mutants of some sort but of course it was a gift from god since they were the messengers so, these mutant abilities which they had was the tools which they used to convince people around them, people took them as a form of miracles. Of course the examples are too many to mention.

Based on that I believe that mutants can exist or they might still exist but not in an announced manner.

And if you ask me which kind of mutant I want to be. I would say that I don’t want to be a mutant of any sort, well I just want to be a freak !!!. I would really love to be the HULK.!!!!


Det. Conan said...

U have these ideas without even reading comic books!!!!

Prophets were mutanat? and "they" say i am weird..

What is worse, you claim that you are "surrounded" by weirdos..

funny world...

Mystique said...

lol det conan, well i have been hearing this mutant theory for some time.. i can't say i disagree or agree with it.. i guess its just another way of looking at things.

eXistenZ said...

having special unnatural abilities eg.
Like huge enormous force (Hercules) ,
Mind powers to split the sea into half (Moses),
Talking to animals (Solemn) (David), very long life (Noah)
Mental abilities of presence to convince, lead people and foresee the future (like our great prophet Mohammed). صلى الله عليه وسلم
These are only few of what I can mention ….Oracle

Det. Conan said...

Guard, of course you can't agree or disagree with him. U disagree with him and he will nag u the rest of your life.

Mutants are not human beings.

Prophets are human beings as indicated directly in the Quran.

If the prophets are mutants, what about jewji?

The guy is so good in videogames (fast mutant reactions), i sometimes wonder if he ever study. With his fast mutant reaction ability, i would have ruled the dancing floor, baby.

eXistenZ said...

det. conan

have you ever said something usefull in yourlife.

I dont think so,,,,

perhaps you should listen more than you talk :P
yah,, and leave jewji out of this :P

First I didnt hint that mutants are not humans, but we call them mutants for the special abilities they have not the creatures they are.

I’ll try to make it clear as possible, I believe that god CANNOT be improvisatory or chaotic, so GOD will not weave laws of nature (which is set by god only) in order to make an extra ordinary thing happen, as god will simply create all the physical rules possible for that “” miracle “” to happen even as temporary.
And the way I see it is that in order to make miracles or superpowers possible without tilting laws of nature is by giving special abilities to some people “ God's prophets” or whom we can call them mutants not classifying them as weirdoes in a bad way, but as a special way.

you dont have to agree or disagree with me, its just something that is very hard to prove whether its right or wrong.

Det. Conan said...

man, your point is so unclear (i wanted to use the word: boring, but i thought it is too harsh) that i slept while reading it.

let me demonstrate..

det. conan

have you ever said something useful in you...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... (deep sleep)...

that was fun... let me try it again.

det. conan
have you ever.... zzzzzzzzzzzzz....

Unknown said...

I think that mutation is real and there is nothing wrong with it. Mutants can also be humans that are hiding and saying that they are preists and that thats their occupation but they may be mutants that are ashamed ti say they are.

apocolypse said...

if mutants really do exist then why havent the governments of any cities attempted to harness there genes and create super soldiers (like captian america)
perhaps humans havent reached the point of evolution
you could say we all came from a monkey or a fish but evolved so whats to stop the human race from expanding maybe not in the mutant way but rather in the amount brain power we can use or we could very well be finished with evolution i hope not because that would mean that we could never surpass our current limits beside it would awesome to be able to get burned and not see the mark for more than 2 seconds

rhi011 said...

well i think mutants really do exist,
but my type if mutan might be different to all of your idears, and i might only be 11, but i have the right as well to think of idears,but still i think really do exits.
oh by the mystque, i,ve been hearing this mutan theory evan since i was 3.