Monday, July 9, 2007

How Much More ?!?!

For all those who work and those who don’t work but have a vision for it:

Considering the fast and vast job opportunities in the job market, how long you think you should stay in one organization before THINKING of looking for another place to work.
And when that time comes and if the only reason which is going to make you move from your job is money, then how much percentage of your total salary will make you consider moving of course considering moving to a similar position with similar other benefits.
I keep on thinking about and I keep on getting different answers every time so what do you think.


Det. Conan said...

I am not going to answer your post.. not yet.. maybe later..

I just wanted to let you know that i actually checked your cheap looking blog... and was amazed that it actually still "exsit"..


ok.. that was really mean and rude.. but it is worth saying..

man.. if i am not around.. who the hell bugs you?

Det. Conan said...

Don't be a grasshopper...

you will be flagged by your own actions... Bud.

Cheers from Birmingham